Friday, February 8, 2013

February 5th: The Giving Tree


This week was our first Bookmunchers meeting of the year! 13 kids signed up ranging from grades   1-3. I introduced myself and the activity and they were all very excited to read our first book. I read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein to them and we had some discussion time. They were very responsive and gave great answers to all the questions. Then, I handed out worksheets and explained the instructions. They wrote down three people that were giving to them and also wrote ways they could be giving to other people such as their parents, siblings, friends, and pets.

After they had finished their worksheets, we began the craft. The craft was to make a tree out of brown and green construction paper. I helped the kids trace their arms for the trunks and trace their hands for the leaves. Then, I gave each of them a few apple stickers to stick on their trees.
Overall, it was a great meeting. The only things I need to work on are making sure I have all the materials for 14 kids and making sure I stay in charge and don't let them get too excited or distracted. Next Tuesday, we will read our book on Abraham Lincoln.

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