Friday, March 15, 2013

March 5: Help! A Story of Friendship


This week, we read a book about Friendship. Written by Holly Keller, "Help! A Story of Friendship" is a cute story about how true friendship overcomes rumors and gossip. After I read the book to them, we had discussion questions. I asked them if they had ever thought someone would be mean but they turned out to be really nice. I told the kids how important it is to not judge before you meet someone. In the story, mouse thought Snake was dangerous, but in the end, Snake saved mouse because he cared about him. We talked about which animal was their favorite and why. I also asked them if they had ever been distracted and not paid attention like mouse had. We discussed the importance of paying attention in class and at home. We also talked about what a rumor is, how they can be mean, and why we shouldn't start or spread them.
Next, I wrote the phrase "To have good friends, you must be a good friend" on the board. I asked the kids what this statement meant to them. Each of them had thoughtful answers of how if you want friends, you must be nice to others. One girl said "If you're mean, no one will like you". I explained to them how important it is that they have a good attitude and are always nice to others so they can be good friends.

For our craft, we made a Friendship chain. I passed out three strips of colorful construction paper to each kid and asked them to write the names of three of their friends on the papers. They each picked three friends, wrote their names on the paper, and decorated them. Once everyone had finished, they got in a line and I linked the strips together to form a chain. Once everyone's was on, we had a very long chain full of friends! Then, I asked them if they could find theirs on there and see if anyone had put the same person. They had fun talking to each other and seeing who everyone's friends were.

Then, we played a fun game called "I'm your friend". We sat in a circle with one chair facing outward. Taking turns, I had one kid at a time sit in the chair. Another kid from the circle went up behind them and said in a disguised or funny voice "Do you know me? I'm your friend". The kid in the chair had to guess who was behind them without looking. They really liked this game and had fun making up silly voices and trying to guess who the mystery voice was.
I think this week's meeting went really well and the kids are cooperating better. My friends Dianne and Cathryn are there to help me now and things haven't been as crazy. The kids are paying attention better and listening to the book. I still need to work on full participation when we do the activities and games, but I've definitely seen improvement. I'm proud of each of the kids and I can't wait to start meeting again after Spring Break!

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